The Stolen Treasure

Lucas and I exchange glances, and drop some coin on the table to pay for the meal, leaving quickly, not waiting around for trouble.

It's not likely that a murder has anything to do with us, I admit.

But then again, we have a group of ruthless assassins after us, and more than that, a man with both the resources and the morals to employ said assassins, and even a roaming warlord, to try to find and secure us.


To secure Lucas, anyway.

I'm just tagging along.

"It's terrible." The woman weaves through the crowd. "They found a whole family murdered in their home. I saw the wagon they took 'em out in. Awful thing, they were such kind patrons...what will we do now..."

Lucas and I leave the tavern behind, and as we go, Lucas offers the woman a comforting pat on the shoulder, murmuring reassurances that we can investigate on their behalf.

"What happened?" I ask this bluntly. We won't get answers with comforting words.