Master Wizard

I rest for another two days before my body is truly stable and I'm well enough to rise from the bed. Celeste fusses over me in a timid, halfhearted manner that doesn't quite mesh with the intense competence of the healing she administers to me.

I find out she's studying under the master wizard Cyril, who I learned saved my life with his power.

I discover quite quickly he's picky about it being wizard, not mage.

"Mages are long dead fools who played with divine power with no concept of what they were doing!" He harrumphs. This is not the first time he launched into this speech, judging by Lucas and Roland's expressions, and yet - of course - it's Lucas who called him a mage again.

"Wizardry is an ancient art of magic and runes passed down through the generations, created for the protection of this world."

It doesn't matter how often he says it, Cyril will do his whole spiel every time.