Approaching the Border

After retrieving our mounts, we set out.

"We've got all the key pieces." Lucas says. His expression is pensive.

Perhaps we should be more excited. Triumphant.

But really...

If anything, I suspect we've only done the easier, safer part of this.

And more importantly...I glance over at Roland. "...The attack could come at any time."

Roland nods. "It could."

Valentine shifts uneasily.

Cyril scoffs. "I'm not afraid of some Fell Order goons. I fought them off plenty of times when I was far younger and far less powerful than now."

Lucas presses his lips together. "You'll not like where the Tear is-"

"The Forbidden Lands, I'm guessing?" Roland cuts in.

Lucas coughs, mouth hanging open, caught mid-word.

After a moment or two, his mouth snaps shut and he sighs.

"...Stole my thunder."

The air around us seems to grow heavier as we ride into the wilderness.