Bitter Fight

Thanks in large part to Roland's leadership, we push on through the dawn, into the new day.

It's not without heavy casualties. 

It's no longer a matter of keeping the re-living from getting onto the wall, but a desperate struggle to put off the moment one of them breaches to the other side and lands in the city.

I'm swarmed at all sides. The hurried healing Celeste gave us mid-battle allows me to wield my sword...but not very well. 

I can't see Roland anymore, but at least I can still hear him, raging and fighting.

My chest heaves and burns with each breath, my body shaking with exertion.

Valentine is practically pushed up against me, his back to mine. His left arm is covered in blood. He fights with his right.

He's getting tired, like all of us.

Celeste seems to be doing her best, but she's trembling badly, her body covered with wounds.

We're getting worn out.

It won't be long before someone breaks.