Local Legend

I don't have any answers for Lucas, but as we walk back toward the clinic, I do have an idea.

Perhaps it's a ridiculous one, I admit, but we don't have the luxury of 'good' ideas anymore.

"King Henri said we'll need a powerful mage of some kind..." I say, glancing over toward Lucas, who still looks shaken and in deep thought.

He looks over at me and hums a curious noise.

I chew my lip. "Celeste...I don't want to put that on her." I shake my head. "She's...probably strong enough, but she's in no state to do that right now."

Lucas frowns and nods, looking down. "It's not fair to ask her but-"

"No-" I wave a hand quickly. "She told me that you need self confidence to use magic. It's something she's struggled with. Do you think she's got a lot of that right now...?"

The merchant takes a deep breath and lets it out as a sigh, shaking his head. "...No, I wouldn't think so."

I nod.