
Try as I might to resist it, to push on as hard as I can...our progress is still significantly slowed by my injuries.

It's incredibly frustrating and annoying.

Lucas goes out of his way to give me lots of breaks, stops for early breaks and late ones. He absolutely refuses to let me deny them, either.

He's quite stubborn.

The best I can do is to try not to show that I'm uncomfortable so that he doesn't stop more often than he already is.

It's not that I don't appreciate his concern, but I have no intention of slowing down further than I already have.

We don't have the luxury of coddling me simply because I've been injured, after all.

I just...

Can't bring myself to rebuff his concern. Not all the time, anyway.

He's an endless font of encouraging words.

"Just remember not to push yourself. You're doing just fine. Don't worry, we're making good progress."