
It's late night by the time we reach the halfway point to Kastellos. The quiet hamlet of Betel looms ahead of us. It's hard to tell if it's quiet because it's a small town at night, or for more sinister reasons.

Still, it's a waste not to take the opportunity to sleep in the inn when we'd only make it a few miles past Betel if we pushed and slept in the open field.

There's one small inn. The Karts Krey. It feels a little cramped just with the six of us walking into it, but to its credit, the innkeep is still awake and alert even at this hour.

The older woman curtsies in respect, apparently determining one of us - probably Lucas, given his absurd dress - must be a noble. "Greetings. Welcome to the Karts Krey."

Lucas ambles over toward her with a small smile. "We need beds for six. Whatever you've got."

The woman nods, looking us over in turn and then stepping behind the corner to check...her logbook, I suppose.