The King

The sound of shoes clacking on stone is the only noise as we approach the far end of the room.

The man with the bottle pauses, corking the drink and turning to regard us.

His eyes sweep over me once, then they flicker to Lucas.

For a second, I'm not sure whether he is going to make a move.

The look on his face is hard to read. It's definitely not positive.

Rhys speaks first, smiling wide as he steps forward, offering a bow. "Silas, thank you for allowing us an audience on such short notice. I understand you must be busy."

He lifts a hand, making a shooing gesture, "Out, Rhys."

Rhys gives us a last, warm smile and a wink, then he spins and departs the room.

I don't take my eyes off of Silas.

The man is dangerous. I can tell, even from across the room.

There's a keen edge to his eyes that makes me feel as though I'm a mouse being circled by a hungry cat.

Or...a bird of prey.