
Celeste stares at me.

Her eyes are wide and wet as the tears spill down her face. Her bottom lip quivers as she opens her mouth to speak and closes it several times. She blinks slowly, more tears sliding down her face as she continues to stare.

"He's...scared of...me?" She repeats in a hushed whisper, shaking her head slowly. "Why-...no. You're wrong...there's no reason he'd be scared of me...I'm just-"

We really don't have time for a pep-talk. Any moment now even Roland and Gerald won't be able to keep Cyril busy, especially without my help. 

Any moment that Tear might break the seal.

"Celeste." I grip her cheek. At some time it seems I must have been injured by Cyril - enough to smudge blood on her face with my gesture.