The Wish of the Villainess

I don't move.

I can't move.

I can't look.

Because what I just heard...can't be true.

But Talia looks over my shoulder, eyes wide, as if she's looking at a ghost.

And I still can't-


A gentle hand touches my cheek and turns my face toward...

Toward Lucas.

Tall. Dark hair, green eyes, devilishly handsome - no.

Absolutely infuriating.



Infuriatingly irresistible bastard.

He smiles.

So softly.


There's no missing the adoration in his gaze as his hand brushes against my cheek, loving.

There's a tension in his muscles. A wariness.

He's expecting me to start yelling at him at any moment.

I'll do much worse than yell at him.

I grab his stupid face and pull him in for...

an angry


desperate kiss.