Raging Storm

A loud clap of thunder rattles the manor as it shakes off its sleepiness.

A downpour of rain batters against the windowpanes, pounding them relentlessly.

The weather rumbles ominously, sounding as though the world itself is splitting apart. The floorboards creak, echoing through the house, accompanied by the occasional drip of water leaking from the cracks between the boards.

Every time lightning flashes it casts long shadows on the walls. Thunder booms after, shaking the walls.

Wind whistles through the eaves, sounding like ghostly cries, or some dying animal trapped outside.

Everything is...

Very much alive.

I glance at the fireplace, where embers still crackle away peacefully. It casts an orange glow in the room and lights up Lucas' features even from across the room.

...Even after his time adventuring... he still manages to look so delicate and innocent. He smiles in his sleep, hugging his pillow and pulling it close to him.