
The world shakes.

The entire building rattles, and I feel it in my bones.


My eyes shoot open.

I gasp and reach out for Lucas.

His grip on my arm tightens and he presses against me protectively, holding me against his chest.

I curl tighter around him, burying my face in his hair and squeezing my eyes shut.

A second tremor shakes through the ground.

Lucas takes my face in his hands, forcing my head up so he can look into my eyes. "Hey."

"I'm fine. Don't worry." I rasp, rubbing the back of my hand over my forehead. I clasp his hand and pull it away. "What...what's going on?"

Lucas smiles gently and kisses the corner of my lips.

"No worries, okay?"

"Tell me what's happening." I insist, ignoring the way my heart flutters at his touch.

His expression softens and he caresses my cheek with his thumb. "...A small earthquake happened, darling."
