Splitting the Party

After finishing the rest of our breakfast in relative peace, Lucas and I get up and make our way back to the rented rooms of the tavern.

Roland is watching over Celeste - partly to make sure she doesn't suddenly get worse, and partly to make sure she's not secretly going out and straining herself while we're not looking.

Or, more likely, someone isn't sneaking in and asking for her help while no one else is round.

The old mercenary is sitting in a chair next to her bed, leaning back against the wall. His gaze is on his short sword, which he is meticulously polishing. He stops when we approach, gaze flickering up from his blade to us. His lips quirk up in a small smile.

"Got any thoughts, boy?"

Lucas glances over at me, raising a brow in inquiry. "I thought we might want to check on Celend first."

"Aye." Roland nods once in agreement, glancing at me, too.