Pushing Through Exhaustion

For a long moment, I'm surrounded by nothing but darkness and pain. It's not the worst pain I've ever felt, but it's more than enough to leave me dazed and struggling to dispel that darkness.

The darkness is replaced with heat, as a panicked Celeste heals whatever I managed to get wrong with me.

It's still a little difficult to tell how long that moment actually lasts, but I can assume it's not that long - Celeste was right behind us when we fell, after all.

The more important thing is that neither myself or Lucas managed to die falling down the stairs right before the big moment.

"You with us still, kid?" Roland asks in a rough voice, closer than I expect him to be.

I grunt, trying to sit up with the weight of Lucas still in my arms. Normally something of Lucas' weight isn't that difficult to carry, but in the awkward position I've fallen, it's more difficult than normal.

I grit my teeth and push forward anyway.