The Trust Ring

I expect to see May inside it, but instead she's sitting outside it, staring absently up at the sky. Her expression isn't sad, exactly, but there's an emptiness to it that makes me worried.

I can't say that it's unexpected to see, though. The fact that she's holding up this well in the first place shows just how strong she is, in my opinion.

She's holding Taffy in her arms, secure, and while I can hear children playing in the tent, she doesn't look that way at all.

She seems to be lost in thought, quiet and lonely.

I can't help that it makes my heart ache a little to see.

"May...?" I ask gently as I approach her. "Don't you want to play with the others...?"

She lights up and snaps her focus on me when I first speak, but when she hears my question her face falls a bit and she ducks her head, tugging on bits of fluff of her rabbit.