
I take her hand and gently lead her to my horse. "You can ride with me. Would you like to meet my horse?"

She stares up at me with shining eyes, and then shyly steps toward the gelding.

Artur tosses his head and snorts

She squeaks and immediately hides behind my leg.

I gently pet her hair, and reach out to take Artur's bridle. "None of that. This is May, Artur. She's part of your family now."

She peeked shyly out at the horse.

He seems interested in her.

I nod, and encourage May to hold out her hand for him to sniff. "Want to feed him?"

"Mmmmm. Okay..." She whispers softly as she nervously offers Artur her hand for inspection while simultaneously flinching nervously in anticipation of having it bitten or nibbled on.

He snorts, and ducks his head so that he may smell her fingers, which she nervously sticks out and waves at him without approaching him.