Late night negotiations

Sally, Valentine's maid, approaches our group in the dining room shortly after dinner - once we've set May to sleep - and informs us that Valentine has called an audience with the 'leaders of the caravan'.

Not in his manor, however, but in the city hall. 

I'm not really sure what counts as a 'leader' of the caravan, but Roland decides the best answer is those who were members of Norguard and Celend's leadership in the caravan.

Those of them who survived the earthquake and joined the caravan, then.

It's late, but it's not so late everyone has gone to sleep, so it's an easy enough matter to collect those few and bring them to the city hall.

I presume this is a matter of discussing what supplies Neraw will offer, who from Neraw will join, and what the towns getting help will offer in return for that help.

Otherwise I have no idea why he'd waste our time with a meeting.