A Girl's Doll

It is morning the following day, and I am already sitting down in the inn's common room eating my breakfast when May sits next to me at the table and presses a doll into my face.

I blink at it for several seconds before I turn my eyes to the girl.

One look at her face tells me she's not being aggressive or malicious. And the doll pressed to my cheek hadn't been done so with violent force in the first place, anyway.

"Mmwah. Dolly says good morning!" She beams up at me, big blue eyes shining in the light of the tavern room.

"Oh?" I arch a brow. "And who is Dolly?"

 She wiggles the doll at me. "Katheryne made me this!! I don't know what to name her yet, though. I thought if you helped me, I could figure out her name...!"

Ah. I see.

That's too bad; I probably won't be of much help. I've always been horrible with names.

"You have to find a name for her that matches her."