Relaxed Return

May sits in the middle of the wagon and plays with Taffy and her new doll, 'Diane' (named for me, a fact I am still not yet adjusted to) happily.

Celeste is up near the front, and Lucas and Valentine are seated nearby May in case she needs something.

Roland and I are at the back, keeping a lookout for danger or ambush.

Things have been calm and peaceful on the way to Carleon, but that was with an entire caravan. Now we're just one lone wagon riding on back roads. 

We're not in any real danger. Even if it were just myself and Roland, we'd be able to handle any ruffians, thugs, or bandits who appear.

With Valentine and Celeste, there's almost nothing that could threaten us.


Roland and I don't exactly seem to be prime targets for an attack, either.