The Second Gramps

Gerald smiles and bows politely when he finally makes it into the manor. His gray hair still has some streaks of that ash blonde in it, but if I hadn't just recently seen Henri completely devoid of those I wouldn't notice them.

I've never bothered to ask his age, but I suppose, on reflection...

He's probably somewhere between Roland and Henri's age?

Actually, I don't know a lot about Gerald at all. Most of what I've learned comes from what Lucas told me in the short time since he's been brought back by the Angel's Tear. Which is...actually...

Not a lot.

I do know he's important to Lucas, and that they're both as close as family. And that he's just as close and even more fatherly to Eliza.

I also know that despite my initial impression that he was some kind of lord of servants or chief butler, Gerald is not actually one of Lucas' servants. Not officially, anyway. he's also a lord like Lucas, but for some reason chooses to live like this.