Early Morning Visit

The morning sun glares in at us through the window, and I grunt irritably as I bury my head against Lucas' chest.

Sleep is precious, and there is no good reason for sunlight to invade it.

Especially not when Lucas is a damn furnace of heat on his own, radiating warmth that encourages me to stay in bed.

The sound of knocking disrupts our slumber.

"...I swear, if it's not important, I'm going to skin whoever's there alive."

Lucas laughs against my shoulder. "And if it's important?"

"...Case by case."

His eyes twinkle with more mirth than this early hour deserves. "What if it's sweet little May?"

I grunt and swing my legs off the side of the bed, rolling out and moving to the closet to find something to wear.

Lucas rolls out of the opposite side of the bed, also changing into a casual outfit, as the knocking becomes incessant. "I suspect it may be our little girl, given the knocking..."

A sigh, this time.