Point System

May wiggles in place and holds out her hands, cheeks puffing out in admittedly adorable determination. "I can do it...! Lemme do it...!"

I arch a brow, squinting down at her, and then glance over at Talia who stands at my side.

My sister is utterly failing to smother that amused smile on her lips. She glances between myself and the eager young girl standing a step in front of us.

"Well..." Talia hums. "As long as you're careful? If you fall down or drop it, we'll have to go all the way back to refill it."

May stomps her foot, blue eyes sparkling in offense at the idea that she could possibly do such a thing. "I won't fall! I can do it! Gimme, gimmeeee!"

She chuckles finally and leans down, holding out the tray of glasses to May. "Alright. Then make sure to balance them, and hold them up so people can get them."

"Uh huh!" May nods excitedly, puffing out her chest in proud determination. "I can do it! Watch Auntie Diane!"