A Helpful Girl

Roland's hand shoots out, catching May before she can crash to the ground. "Oi oi, watch it kiddo, that could've gotten ya hurt."

May sniffs unhappily and pushes herself up with a stubborn grunt, scrubbing her eyes with her fists. "But I have to be a big help!"

I purse my lips when I hear that, and place a hand on my hip, looking down at the young girl. "May."

May perks up instantly when she hears me call out to her. "Uh? What is it?"

"Come here. Let's talk." I hold out a hand for her.

She wiggles in excitement, running up to take my hand with hers.

I kneel down next to her.

May beams up at me. Those wide blue eyes of hers are so full of innocence and expectation. It's sweet, endearing, and painful.

Painful...because I know how much pain she's locking up behind those, despite being such a young age.