Groggy Breakfast

In the morning, May wanders out, holding Taffy by the leg. The oversized bunny doll trails along the floor after her. Poor thing. "Hungry."

I sigh and pet her head. "Yeah. I am too. Good morning to you, too, sweetie. How are you doing?"

May peers up at me. Her blue eyes are sleepy, and she squints against the sunlight shining through the windows. She glances towards the window and crinkles her nose, then leans heavily into me with a murmur of protest. "...want food."

I smile gently and pet her hair. "Come on. Let's get you breakfast. Sounds like you didn't eat enough last night."

"Breakfast sounds good..." May answers, but makes no move to pull away, keeping her weight resting against me.

"Don't wanna walk, then?" I arch an eyebrow.

"...carry." She grumbles in a stubborn voice.

I coo and bend down to scoop May up into my arms. "Ohh? Someone is so lazy."