A Chill Wind

A chill wind blows in as the door is opened, sending a few stray leaves scattering about.

I can't help but stop in my tracks and turn toward the door, not just for its noise but because the wind is so cold. It also carries with the scent of rain, perhaps even snow or lightning?

It's too brief a gust of air for me to be sure, though.

Lucas steps through the doorway, a sack of supplies slung over his shoulder.

He pauses and grimaces, looking back over his shoulder at the weather outside, as if he's only just now noticing the foul weather despite presumably having been out in it.

He tsks to himself before quickly turning to face me.

He's cute.

Soaking wet from the rain outside.

But cute, oddly enough.

"Right. Well. Since the weather is looking to be terrible I guess it was a good thing I rode out to Denarore to get some supplies. If it keeps up getting worse, we might be stuck inside for a few days again."