Waiting for the Worst

Her eyes are glazed over and her brows furrow in frustration. She looks as though she is truly at a loss. Like she's really just decided to sit and wait to be devoured by whatever it is.

After a moment, Celeste glances towards May, and I follow her line of sight to find the young child continuing to innocently play with Taffy as though nothing is amiss, with a complete lack of self-awareness regarding the present danger.

Lucas doesn't even spare her a second look and instead addresses me directly.

"Diane." Lucas snaps me out of my train of thought. 

No, that's not right.

I wasn't thinking at all.

I'd just...frozen up. Staring at May, overwhelmed by that sense of dread.

Like Celeste, I suppose.

His voice is insistent, dragging me out of the fugue. "What's happening?"

I keep my voice calm as I reply.

"Stay focused. Something's changed. Something is...I don't know what it is but it's..."