Lively Forest

The closer we draw to Saelia, the more unsettled the surrounding forests become.


It's not unexpected.

After all, it's not as if whatever caused the destruction that hit Caster Falls, that...

Beast of a dragon in the woods...

It's not as if something like that simply won't cause disruptions to the environment it passes through.

The displaced prey animals who evacuated the area are likely building up here.

Assuming that thing doesn't stay - or didn't in the first place - they'll meander back to their territory again, but for now this place is close enough that it's no surprise they'll experience a swell of activity.

Probably even moreso as the earthquake itself likely displaced a bunch of them as well.


The hunters of Saelia probably think this is just a result of the earthquake. They likely think nothing more of it.


Just one more consequence of the destruction in Caster Falls.