May raises both of her arms in the air to reach for me.
She flexes all ten of her fingers, wiggling them at me and staring with great concentration and expectation.
"Auntie's kissy too!!" The young girl demands imperiously.
I try my absolute best to appear completely blank as I gaze down at her with a faintly skeptical expression, though I can feel a smile tugging at my lips despite that.
I think I do well enough for teasing a six year old, at least.
"...Who, me?" I inquire innocently, as if the question hadn't occurred to me at all.
May nods solemnly and confirms, "Auntie's kisses are the best!"
She declares this with utter sincerity, but the sparkle of amusement dancing in her eyes makes it clear how aware she is of her own theatrics. It makes her all the more endearing, really.
The girl truly loves being a child.