However, her curiosity about the gifts didn't surpass her great desire to eat some food, so the thought was cast aside when it was announced to be that segment where people could eat and interact.

That was probably the first banquet, which wasn't going to last for a long time, but everyone felt that it was worth it. After all, what they had seen on that day enlightened them greatly.

[You better not let princess eat porridge today. I swear I will boycott your products.]

[Let her eat something nice, we beg!]

Zara's fans, knowing that it was mealtime, began to send comments once again, others threatening and others just feeling sorry. However, the majority of the people were just worried about her diet, after all, with all the kind of food they had seen her eating; they didn't want to imagine her eating plain porridge and milkshake on such a day.