Amir smiled affectionately as he looked at the girl, his beloved, and the person who was destined with him from the very first day.

Only the goddess understands and knows how much he has been missing her ever since they parted ways.

But he understood that he couldn't be with her always and as another man's daughter, she needed to be with her family.

He was going to spend the rest of his life with her anyway, so why be anxious?

Walking towards her with familiarity while ignoring the familiar scorching gaze on him, he opened his mouth, and said in response to her affectionate welcome, "Um. I am here. I hope that I am not too late!" in fluent Dynalis.

As a man of great and many talents, what he wants to learn, no one and nothing can stop him from achieving that.

Zara beamed at Amir, her eyes expressing unconditional love which made a lot of mommy and husband fans in her broadcast wail with agony, watching that interaction.