At this moment, everyone was silent as Zara shouted, her gaze kissing everyone as she panted. It was the first time she had over-exhausted herself like this.

And yet they didn't dare walk towards her or stop her.

Amir just watched her as she vented her anger out and inwardly, he applauded her.

It wasn't healthy to keep bottled up like that. Maybe after doing this, she would be fine. And maybe that's what everyone thought as well.

Zara didn't know how long she shouted, but at some point, she saw black and that was the end.

Diamond looked at the girl in her arms and smiled reassuringly at everyone before saying, "She will be fine!"

"Pew!" a collective sigh of relief filled the room once again.

Lena looked at Diamond gratefully and asked, "Diamond, how long will she be sleeping?" curious about how long it would take this time.