Ignoring Yun's calls

Dai Fengge was thoroughly confused and startled at the same time. "Xiaoling, did you really dismiss Yun's calls and-"

"No Fengge! Please trust me! D-Do you really think that if he had called me, I would have ignored him? I don't know…I don't know what Yun is talking about, Fengge…" she held his hand, trying to make him believe her. "He was quietly watching the movie and n-never spoke to me even once."

Mingshen sneered.

Jia squinted her eyes. "Be careful, Miss. Yin or you will find yourself in deep trouble for lying to the police. A six year old child has no reason to lie, especially if he was seeing his grandmother falling sick. He would have felt so frightened and confused. So let me ask you again. While Mr. Dai was away speaking to his wife, did Yun reach out to you telling you about Mrs. Dai needing help?"

"N-No! He never came to me! I don't know why he is lying. Is Dai Meihui…targeting me through her son?"

"We will look into that later but let's hear what Yun has to say first."

That terrified her, and she immediately said, "T-there is no need for that."

Huojin raised his palm. "Please let us do our job, Miss. Yin. If there are discrepancies between Dai Yun and your statements, then we need to find the truth. Please cooperate."

Huojin went away and after explaining the need to bring Yun for a few minutes to Ma Zhilan, she nodded and let him go.

Yun climbed up the stairs and noticing Yin Xiaoling, he strangely became withdrawn and silent.

"Yun, come here-"

Dai Fengge quickly stretched his arms to pull him to his side but instead Yun trotted towards Mingshen and stood beside him. "Mingshen."

Dai Fengge froze. "Y-Yun, come to my side, son."

Yun scrunched up his brows and remained by Mingshen's side, making Dai Fengge glare at him.

Jia, too, couldn't help but drop her jaw. Seeing Yun - or anybody for that matter - to act so friendly to Mingshen was a sight she wasn't used to seeing.

Did Mingshen affect him so much?

"Mingshen told me funny things about a body," Yun said.

Jia puked blood, horrified.

Does he mean a dead body!?

"Mingshen…" the alarm in her voice was evident.

Are you talking nonsense to a child!?

Mingshen chuckled. "Why do you look so scared, Spicy? I mean a living human body~ Do you know that the only muscle in our body that never gets tired is the heart? Just like how you don't tire to amuse me~"


Yun tugged his coat. "Mingshen, will you tell me more? It was fun."

He smiled with mischief. "Why not? But after you tell everybody what you told me. Seems like this aunty is a little forgetful."

Yun tilted his head, confused.

Huojin cleared his throat, breaking Jia's shocked stupor and signaling her to ask questions.

My bad…

Jia quickly kneeled to his level and smiled. "There are some teensy tiny things that we have to ask you about. Will you help us, Yun?"

He furiously nodded his head. "I will help pretty sister."

"Aish, you are such a good boy," she ruffled his hair. "So…while you were watching the movie, did your father head out for sometime?"

He nodded.

"And during that time, did you notice something strange happening to your Grandma?"

He hesitated at that question.

Jia gently held his hands and pulled him closer to her. "There is nothing to be afraid of. We just want to know, that's all," her gentle gaze eased his tension.

"Yes. Grandma was breathing hard…she looked very sick," his expression saddened.

"What did you do then?" She softly asked.

From the corner of his eye, Mingshen noticed Yin Xiaoling fidgeting with her hands and he smirked.

"I called Aunty and said Grandma don't look good. But she got mad at me and scolded me."

Dai Fengge gasped. "Xiaoling…you…you…"

"It's not like that, Fengge!" She looked at Yun, distraught and said, "Yun dear. I think there is a misunderstanding. Y-you never called me at all, right? You never said anything about your grandmother to me."

Yun frowned. "But Aunty said to me to go away. You said you don't want to listen to me."

"Xiaoling! You…how dare you push Yun away when he was asking for your help! Mom would have been alive if-"

The sudden outburst jolted Yun.

"Mr. Dai," Jia's sharp voice toned him down, "I don't want to hear you fighting and raising your voice in front of a child. So please be quiet. You too, Miss. Yin."

She trembled. "H-How can I when I am being framed like this!?"

"Enough or I will take action against you."

She immediately sobered at her warning.

Jia looked back at Yun and smiled. "Will you answer one last question for me?"

He nodded.

"When your father returned to his seat, did you tell him about Grandma's sickness?"

His eyes teared up. "I try to tell Dada but he scolded me too. He was mad when he came back. Aunty and Dada fight too."

That felt to Dai Fengge as if somebody had pulled off the earth beneath his feet. From disbelief, his gaze quickly changed to that of a sudden realization akin to a bomb dropping on him.

Mingshen heartily laughed. "Ah the climax was indeed satisfying~"

"Ah, the two people who claimed to love their mother and future mother-in-law so much left her to die by herself," Mingshen dramatically sighed as if talking to himself, but his words reached Dai Fengge and Yin Xiaoling crystal clear which only served to twist their expressions further.

Mingshen looked down and smirked. "Do you see, kid? These are the types of adults not welcomed in my precious lab because they dial down the intelligence in the air. So, you should be extremely cautious of them."

Yun wasn't sure if he understood him, but he nodded anyway.

"You…" Needless to say, Dai Fengge was extremely humiliated.