What death is

"Where is Yun?"

Jia, along with Huojin, drove at the social services center first thing in the morning to visit Yun where Mrs. Shen was already waiting for them.

"Superintendent Song. Superintendent Mo," she politely greeted them.

They gave a small nod. "Can we meet Yun?"

A somber look flashed past her face. "Of course. Yun hasn't been in a good state since though. He hardly ate last night and didn't get any decent sleep either. We tried our best, but he is missing his mother a lot."

'Mom…Dad…Where are you?'

'Mom, I miss you…'

'Dad, I am all alone with Lihua. I don't know what to do. We are really missing you, Dad.'

'Please come back, Mom, Dad. Please come back…'


Unbeknownst to her, Jia's grasp had tightened on her wrist. Slightly shivering, her stupor fell apart, and she gave a dazed look to Huojin for a moment. But it quickly disappeared. "Yeah, I am listening."