World falling apart

Xiyang put the handcuffs on Zou Haoran and pushed him forward the police car to be taken to the bureau. "Start walking."

Zou Haoran was staring down at his locked wrists with a pandemonium of unknown thoughts in his mind.

"Why did you kill Sir Kong?" Zhang Feiyue asked as he was being taken away. "Why did you want to frame me for it? I don't understand. Everything was well between you and Sir, right? A-and I never did anything to hurt you…"

He didn't immediately respond as he kept staring at the ground. His gaze then pierced through Zhang Feiyue as if he would eat him alive. "You don't understand a single thing…You don't understand anything! You were in my way of promotion and that old prick didn't want to give me the promotion I deserved. So I thought why not kill two birds with one stone?"

Zhang Feiyue's eyes widened.

In his way of promotion?