We meet again

Around the same time as Jia went to sleep, Huojin decided that it was for the best to leave now. For some reason, he had stayed back with Zhang Feiyue, who hadn't moved from beside his wife's bed for hours.

"You should eat something, Zhang Feiyue."

Zhang Feiyue was too lost to respond. His reddened eyes were tired. He was gently holding onto Zhang Luqi's hand. The heartbreaking wounds on her face and the different tubes connecting to her chest and hands had shaken him to his core.

Huojin silently released a breath.

"You need to take care of her if you want her to wake up soon. Your body needs food and sleep for that."

He said nothing.

"She wouldn't want to see you like this either."

He ever so slightly trembled.

Huojin squeezed his shoulder in a reassuring pat and quietly left the ward. He then took a quick look at the middle aged man with whom Zhang Luqi's car had crashed.

"How are you doing Mr. Han?" He asked with a smile.