Luxurious Queens' suite

Jia steadied on her feet and curtly said, "Thanks for the help."

"Thanks for not screaming my name. I thought I was done for," Bai Caishen adjusted his shades again before anybody would notice him.

"If you were that cognizant of covering your identity, then I believe you wouldn't have wanted the unwanted attention."

"I appreciate your quick thinking and thoughtfulness."

Jia couldn't believe her luck that soon after reaching Tianjin, she would already cross paths with the very actor she was here for.

Is this the chance to take his autograph for Aunt?

She figured it wasn't. It would only look suspicious in this public place. She dropped the idea.

"Congratulations on the last season."

Bai Caishen genuinely looked surprised. "You watch the drama?"

She smiled and shook her head. "I watched one episode or rather I was made to. I am not much of an entertainment person."