Unquestionable evidence (2)

Jia contemplated. "But then I question why Miss. Chow even bothered to go and meet him? To talk about what when he was clearly not in any condition for any conversation? They all saw him collapse on the bed when they left. And this was just about an hour ago then. What was the point?"

Lei Honghui said, "Then doesn't that make it all the more sense? She knew he wasn't in any condition to even defend himself, much less talk. She had the key card. She easily went in and killed him."

"But you just said a minute ago that she might have probably gotten into an argument with Wan Guanting. Something triggered her and she killed him. But now you suggest that this was a planned murder. So which is it? Crime of passion or crime of planning? It cannot be both at once," Jia questioned him.

His brow twitched.