Not quite himself

Jia blinked and felt as if that name rang a bell.

Yang Cheng answered, reading her question. "Xie Mulan's father."

"Oh yes. That's why the name felt familiar," she nodded.

So they studied together, she thought.

Jia then also recollected how it seemed that Mingshen and Mulan knew each other from before.

"Ah so that's why…"

"Why what?" Yang Cheng tilted his head.

"You are looking for Mingshen and Xie Mulan's possible relationship, right? I heard that from her."

"Have you met her?"

"Twice. At the charity event, though I didn't know it was her because of the mask and then at the bureau the next day when she came to bail out Bai Yingtai. She had asked Mingshen to offer her a date. I don't think he did that."

"No, he didn't," he replied without much expression.