Between a rogue and rival

Jia slowly turned, which led her gaze to fall on Mingshen's irresistible, toned chest. Her brow twitched hard, thinking how she was similarly pinned against this naked chest yesterday too. The R-18 uncensored kiss invaded her thoughts again.

"My breaths are trembling," she spoke in a low voice, "because you keep acting like a hooligan. Also, take your finger off my chest."

"I was just answering your question, Spicy," his equally low voice added more to the invisible tension.

"I wasn't looking for it to get answered…certainly not surrounded by a half-naked man."

"I just thought to ramp things up a bit, Spicy. So how about…I place my finger here instead?"

He lightly touched her lips with his finger with a devilish smile. "Third time's the charm, right?"

"...Third time for what?"

Though she had a fair idea of what he was talking about.