Yan Qiu quietly sipped on his cola as he looked away. He jolted when Mei Ru exclaimed in a loud voice, "Of course not!"
She shook her head. "Some clashes here and there doesn't mean you start to hate the person. A little conflicts are a part and parcel of the corporate world. Nothing big."
"True," Rong Wei took a sip of his drink.
Zexi nodded. "I agree. It's just so horrible what happened with Mrs. Zhang. I heard some goons had invaded her house and almost tried to kill her before the accident happened."
"Huh, really?" Yan Qiu's eyes widened.
Zexi noticed the shocked looks on the other two faces as well.
Do they only know about the accident?
She tried to gauge if their reactions were genuine or fake but couldn't really tell them apart.
"That's crazy," Rong Wei muttered.