
The morning sun slowly rose into the sky, peeping through the curtains, awakening the two figures on the bed. They were none other than Allen and Eisha, who lay tiredly on the drenched bed, their persistent activity overnight showing its mark despite their superhuman stamina.

Allen was the first to awake, his eyes adjusting to the sudden introduction to light while grumbling slightly. Reacting to his grumbles, Eisha was also jolted awake, lifting her head that was rested on Allen's chest.

"Good morning," Allen greeted a bit reflexively, his hand caressing her smooth skin, with Eisha returning his greeting with a soft smile.

"I have to say, you were quite wild last night," Allen complimented playfully, which caused Eisha to blush in embarrassment as she remembered some immoral words she had uttered in the heat of the moment.

With his gaze on Eisha, he couldn't help but wonder if she was really the same woman he was with last night. After all, during a point in their intimacy, she took over, stunning Allen when she suddenly came out of her shell, showcasing newfound confidence. But now, it seemed she had really shrunk back into her shell.

"Come on, it's nothing to shy about. I really liked the confidence you showed," Allen said in an attempt to bring her out of her shell, but it seemed his attempts were in vain as she blushed even harder. It was almost as if smoke was emanating from her cheeks due to how red they were. However, Allen, entranced by her cuteness, couldn't help but pull her closer to him before locking his lips into hers.

His hands traveled to various places, which made Eisha moan in pleasure as she wondered why Allen's sex drive seemed insatiable. Having already spent hours having sex overnight, and now it seemed he was already horny, with his dragon already awake.

Moaning in pleasure, she dropped her initial question. After all, it wasn't like she didn't enjoy it. In contrast, she wished she could do it with him more often.

Just then, when Allen was about to insert his rod, she remembered they had not been using protection. With the amount of time Allen had come directly into her womb, she was sure to get pregnant. At least, this was what would happen if she did not have mana, which she manipulated to coat the seed released into her.

Though she feared blood and viewed the work of systemholders as dangerous, she definitely still knew the advantages and perks that came with it, which she could now use in her everyday life.

Throwing the thoughts to the back of her head, she began to feel intense pleasure, moaning loudly as a result. It was without a doubt that those in the other apartments had heard them. However, they were in their own world to care.

Meanwhile, back at the academy, Allen's defeat of the dungeon boss was finally noticed.

"What do you mean the dungeon boss was defeated?" Headmaster Dracyl questioned in a fit of rage, his hands clenching into a fist as his anger radiated from his very aura, causing the dungeon administrator to move back instinctively.

He had just reported to the director about the discovery he had made earlier that morning. He discovered that the dimension had begun to deteriorate, falling apart as a result, something that should only occur twenty-four hours after the dungeon boss of the dungeon had been defeated.

In shock, he could only hurry to report the occurrence to the headmaster, but he didn't expect the director to suddenly snap at him, radiating killing intent.

"You had one job! How did you not notice the disappearance of the dungeon boss?" he criticized, his frustration palpable. Not only did he have to monitor multiple paperwork, but he also had to watch over multiple students. With the explanation demanded by the guardians for the occurrence that almost led to the demise of the only diamond-ranked system holder of the decade, it could be said that he was currently on a thin line.

And now that they were about to lose a dungeon which was under his administration, he really didn't know which explanation he would give.

It would have been better if he knew who defeated the dungeon boss. He could have received praises for nurturing a hidden talent, but the culprit still remained unknown, adding to his pile of trouble he was facing. Releasing a sigh of helplessness as he calmed down.

Retracting his aura, he spoke calmly, "Try to find any clue pointing to who the culprit might be, and make sure to do so efficiently. I want results as soon as possible."

With the administrators dismissed, a man wearing a black suit entered, holding a thick folder with an overly serious expression.

With just his attire and badge attached to the suit, he quickly deduced that he was from the intelligence and investigation department of the system holders association, specifically a part of Spectrum.

"Sentinel Jay, I wonder what brings you here so early," Headmaster Dracyl questioned a bit playfully, remembering his brief history with the man before him. Sentinel Jay seemed to be middle-aged, just like Headmaster Dracyl, but in contrast, he carried a profound sense of seriousness.

"Director Dracyl, I think it's best if we don't waste time and go straight to the point," Sentinel Jay countered, his intent visible through the sunglasses he wore. "It's obvious that I am here for the evidence."

Headmaster Dracyl, feeling a bit hurt by his friend's coldness, couldn't help but sigh internally, remembering the disagreement that caused them to split apart many years ago.

Without further wasting time, he reached into one of the drawers, grabbing a thick plastic bag with a knife in it. The knife was none other than the weapon used to stab Emma, intricately designed with a mixture of multiple minerals giving it a noble visual.

He passed the evidence over to the sentinel, who immediately hid it away, and walked out of the office without bothering to even glance back.

"Jay, what has come over you?" Dracyl questioned internally, unable to find the source of his coldness. Their argument had not escalated to the extent that they would be cold to one another, but it seemed like he was wrong to think so.

The moment Sentinel Jay walked out of the academy, out of the reaches of surveillance, his phone suddenly rang. Picking it up with haste while glancing around to make sure he wasn't being monitored.

Picking up the phone, a female voice resounded from the other side, "Sentinel Jay, I suppose you already in possession of the evidence," the voice asked, showing the unknown importance of the bloody knife.

"Yes, madam, I have it with me," he replied cautiously, surveying his surroundings before he replied.

"That's good, you will be rewarded handsomely for your efforts. Just make sure you don't get caught," the voice warned, cutting the call before he could reply.

Irritated by his contractor's actions, he could only sigh helplessly before entering his vehicle, entering auto-drive as it took off into the distance.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the city, a set of students currently ran for their lives, their breaths haggard as they ran with desperation aiming to lose the assailants behind them.

As they ran for their dear lives, they began to regret their actions. Because of greed and the promise of money, they had stabbed a friend in the back. And now, they soon discovered they would not be left alive to seal possible leakage and evidence that could lead back to them.

Fatigue set in, but they could only continue to run with their lives on the line. Their bodies dripping with sweat as they ran, jumped, and went into buildings in an attempt to lose the men behind them.

Only after many twists and turns did they finally lose the men behind them. Though they knew it was only temporary. Not only was the Systemholders Association after them, but a very dark organization just had to join the chase. Every second of their life now hung in an unstable balance, the sweet pain of regret flooding in.

Meanwhile, as they ran for their lives, a beautiful woman finally awoke, immediately taking sight of her surroundings in panic. Realizing she was in a hospital, her tension melted like butter as she recognized that she was in safe hands.

Almost all her injuries had been healed under intensive treatment and enhanced regeneration Systemholders possessed. Touching the side where she had been stabbed, she saw that it was almost healed and only a slight burn in her throat remained, reminiscent of the strong poison.

Feeling she was close to healing, she finally remembered who had helped her survive. Intense gratitude enveloped her heart, the image of Allen saving her when she was in the face of despair was carved in her heart—the serious expression he held, the way he carried her. Every detail remained untouched, her heart sparking as she felt her love for him multiply by folds.

"Emma, you are awake! We were so worried," the two parents recited in unison, their worry palpable as they grew happy at their daughter's safe recovery.

"Are you okay? Do you feel alright?" her mom Anna questioned, embracing her daughter in her arms.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied with a relieving smile. But as she was taken into the embrace of her mother, her gaze traveled along to her father who had relaxed, standing a few feet away from the bed.

As she stared at him, she couldn't help but flashback to the day they had argued considering Allen and their relationship. She remembered the harsh words he said which made her relent in the argument as she realized her petite standing in the face of her dad.

"There's nothing you can do about our relationship. I will continue to date him regardless of your opinions," she retorted angrily.

"What do you even see in that wretched boy?" he mocked in counter.

"I will not allow you to insult him in my presence. Besides, he loves me and I love him back," she explained, storming off to her room in anger.

"Bullshit! What do you even know about love?" he said. However, his daughter still continued to walk out of his presence, amplifying his rage.

"Emma! If you continue to date him, I will make his life a living hell," he threatened just before she could enter her room, her face turning grim as she knew what her dad was capable of.

The memories of those moments continued to echo in her mind, acting like a barrier that stopped her from approaching Allen. However, that barrier weakened as she steeled her resolve. She was going to follow her heart and not her father's decision. Her fear of the threat faded, overwhelmed by her unbreakable love for Allen.