The start of something new II

In a luxurious room intricately designed, its complexity unexpressible with words alone, a family sat in the living room, an underlying tension sparking in their midst.

Christoph finally took the initiative after having some retorting thoughts of not allowing Allen to be with his daughter. However, after catching sight of the sad and avoiding gaze of her daughter, he couldn't help but glance back at his wife, remembering her words.

"I just wanted the best for her," he thought internally, finally accepting defeat, realizing the decision he made for her well-being was working in the other direction, creating distance between him and his daughter.

"Emma, do you still love him?" he asked in defeat despite his inner voice that screamed at him not to accept it, using all his strength to hold down the impulse.

Emma, surprised by the sudden question, was slightly taken aback. Her surprise originated from why her father was willing to talk about it.

"Yes," she simply replied, her gaze still averting after she spoke, trying not to blame him for the loss of her love life. Years she knew she could never get back, all possible advancement lost because of the man she calls her father.

"Are you willing to get back with him?" he asked once more, his heart aching as he felt the changing, restricted emotions written on Emma's face, regretting his actions as the seconds passed. The seconds seemed like an eternity in regret.

"Yes," she replied, glancing at her mother, realizing she had already talked to him about her feelings, something that was done earlier than she expected.

Realizing this, she internally smiled, unwilling to show this happiness in front of her father.

"Well, if so, then you have my permission, but only one condition... your mother has to use her divine revelation skill on him, but you will be responsible for calling him over," he finished, hoping to see a change in her facial expression, but there was absolutely nothing, wondering if he had really gone so far.

"Okay," she replied before walking back to her room, her gaze not coming with her dad's own, sparking guilt within him.

"What have I done?" he muttered, loud enough for Anna to hear. Hearing his words, she knew he felt regret, but she could only sigh in response, knowing there was not much she could do.

"What did you think was going to happen? Do you know how it had felt for her, how you threatened her? Do you think that after that her image of you would not be damaged? I wish I would not have to sympathize for you, but I can't help myself... you are my husband after all," Anna stated, her mind clear as she spoke the words.

Christoph, hearing this, was unable to utter a reply, his usual ecstatic attitude reduced to cinders.

"I will help you, but don't rest on that," she reiterated before she stood up and followed her daughter, who was once again glued to the picture frame in her hands, a slight warmth slowly filling her heart after being so cold for so long.

Meanwhile, in a castle radiating an ominous aura, Caroline sat on the throne, a sharp gaze piercing through the room as a figure stepped in, kneeling before her.

"Paul Arccom, you have quite the tenacity... I never thought you would survive," she said, her voice echoing through the throne room.

Paul, having survived the implantation of the worm, felt boundless power boiling from within him, ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice. Everything felt unfamiliar and strange to him.

"Well, it's good that you survived, because now you will be responsible for a mission most have already failed," she began explaining everything he needed to know about the mission, everything he needed to do and not to do.

"Emma Miller, isn't that Allen's ex-girlfriend?" he thought inwardly, remembering the relationship between the two people from well-off families. His hate turned to delight as he thought he could finally get revenge on Allen in one way or another.

"You have access to hundreds of men, however, you should know that those who fail me never end up well," Caroline threatened, her face hardened, gazing at Paul almost like she stared into his soul.

"To think his soul is now connected to that of the worms," she thought inwardly, watching as he walked away in the distance, sighting the dark aura that had enveloped the ethereal-like energy in his body, his soul.

This worm had now become the will of those who survived, a makeshift she had finally succeeded in breeding, of course with the help of the great dark one.

Watching as her pawn walked out of the throne room, she grinned lightly at her success before she suddenly remembered her supposed duty as a guardian, something she despised with hatred, but she still needed it to achieve her ten years of tough and cruel decisions.

Changing her outfit with her snap, a black swirling portal opened before she stepped in, disappearing from the castle like a whisper.

Meanwhile, back at the academy, students had gathered. Unlike the first-ever dungeon raid, there was no fear in their eyes. They had trained, studied, and now it was finally time to put everything to the test, their gaze firm as they glanced at the rotating portal.

"Good choice bringing that sword, the academy ones are just trash," Jackie belittled, wearing his own mage robe made of fire spider silk.

"Yeah, it was," Allen replied lightly, currently glancing at the amount of stat points he had. Though he could unload and distribute it to his stats, his body would need time to adapt to it. But this problem only existed for the meanwhile when one body is used to the constant advancement.

"Allen, so are you and Eisha a thing now?" Jackie asked a bit curious, and finally giving up on reprimanding his friends from chasing women with his eyes.

"Can I join your team?" an average-looking guy asked, his attitude a bit timid, avoiding Allen and Jackie's gaze. However, no matter how sorry and willing they may be, they couldn't risk Allen's strength leak in any way or form for the meanwhile.

"No, we ain't taking anybody, sorry," Jackie softly replied, turning away the boy who appeared to have become sad from the response despite his facade of being okay.

After turning down the multiple offers to join and receiving multiple reactions, though irrelevant.

Just then, the briefing of the dungeon raid about to begin, a fragrance suddenly descended on the atmosphere, Allen smelling familiarity in the wonderful charming scent.

"Can I join your team?" Emma asked, unable to fully focus her eyes on the duo who seemed shocked by the sudden action.

Allen glanced at her from head to toe, noticing the battle armor that stuck to her body, still showcasing her curves and edges, combined with the beautiful blue hair she had. It was almost impossible not to take a second glance at her.

"Yeah, sure," Jackie replied, stunning Allen. However, Jackie ignored Allen's gaze, as he knew he hated Emma, but possessing a diamond-ranked system holder in a team was simply beyond comprehension.

"Allen, I never got to thank you for saving my life back then, though I figured you didn't want anyone to know about it so I lied a lot."

"No worries, it was nothing, anyone else would have done the same regardless of the circumstances," Allen accepted, a slight etched on his face.

"I doubt so," she replied, with gratitude in her tone. After all, he had saved her life, which made her cherish him even more.

Unbeknownst to the two, a familiar glance washed over them, the person fuming with anger and rage as he sensed and saw the love in the air.

"Allen, you bastard," he muttered inwardly, his face contorting in unnecessary rage, already feeling like they were going to get back soon enough.

Meanwhile, as this contrast passed on, the teachers continued to make bets. Amelia ignored them as she continued to stare at Allen, a new hobby she had developed. With Allen's previous show, she had deduced that it had to do with dragonic characteristics. But what really puzzled her was the capability and limits of his system.

At first, she thought he was a diamond-ranked system holder, but that quickly changed when she realized it wouldn't be possible to resist her even if he was a diamond-ranked system holder due to the level gap.

So there were only a few explanations left, which was that his system was way beyond the normal comprehension, a reality she had yet to acknowledge.

"Allen Bartholomew Barthon, what makes you so special? Just what are you?" she asked herself once again, a question she had always asked whenever she caught sight of Allen, but she is still yet to discover an an answer.

At that moment, a thick, distinct voice finally resounded through the facility, getting everyone's attention as they glanced at the source.