At the Gathering Ground

The Left Shoulder was absolutely silent as the gentle breeze kept singing the song of nature, blowing drying clothes and high in the sky flying snow white leaves coming from its northwest.

The streets were quiet and emptier, and the sky was dark like it was mid August initial frenzy. They looked peaceful in the absence of their inhabitants, even at the place that huge scale massacre recently occured — the place where Pack Forces were slain by Vampire Slaves.

Armless, the Royal Knight Zara, and Akiva the Shield Defence Force were taken by the giant Horseman down to somewhere else through the almost-crushed mini teleporter. Left behind were gruesome-to-see dead bodies that missed eyes, limbs, heads and a lot of vitals.

To the gathering ground was Lucas, currently commanding his slaves through the mind-link:

«Make a space for me in the forefront line of the palace before I arrive.»