Attending the Event

David quickly searched his wardrobe before finding a suit appropriate for a formal party. He quickly took out a tuxedo and tried it on but quickly realised that the clothes were tight on him due to his muscle gains and lean body.

"damnit! Suffering from success", he muttered. He searched for more formal clothes, but everything he tried on was small for him.

"Mom, can you modify the length of this tuxedo? I think it has shrunk", David called out to his mom, who replied in a calm voice, "You could put on your Dad's."

David was silent. "Sometimes I forget that I ever had a dad."

He went to his mother's room before opening the closet where his mom kept his dad's clothes. "They all seem as good as new.", David muttered.

"Aah, I clean his closet every day. Gives me inner peace." David's mother smiled. David felt bad for his mom. He knew she deserved better, and he had to hurry and treat her before it was too late. He looked at his mom before smiling. "Thank you, mom."

David quickly took out a tuxedo and tried it on. Luckily, it fit him perfectly. He showed it to his mother, who had a serene smile. "You look handsome, son. Have a fun night."

"Thanks, Mom." David smiled back and left his house. He exited the apartment building to notice that a black car was already waiting for him. The car window came down, revealing Tom, also wearing a tuxedo. "Let's go"

David quickly hopped into the car, and the two of them looked at each other. 

"You look great!"

"You look great!"

Both of them said simultaneously before breaking into a giggle.

"So, what is the party about!" he asked Tom.

"Well, I told you my dad owns the company that is making these VR capsules right?" Tom asked, and David silently nodded. "So a business partner of his has come up with a new piece of software where the players can utilise their character data and load it separately into a VR headset in which players can duel against each other."

"Ah, I remember this. This idea was a tremendous success. There were coliseums in the kingdoms, but they were controlled by the NPCs, which meant that this software was the only way Organisations and Players could conduct tournaments and duels with each other without the fear of dying and losing experience points and other stuff due to the death penalty" David thought.

"So it's the launch party for that software? That's pretty cool!" he exclaimed.

Tom looked at David and smiled. He used to go to these parties with his servants, greet the partners and take his leave. But this time, he had David going with him and was already looking forward to the party.

"Thanks, David, for tagging along. The kids of Dad's business partners are kind of annoying."

"More annoying than me? That's a nice feat, I must say", David laughed.

The two of them discussed more stuff on the way to the party. "If you meet one of the kids, don't let their talks get to your head. They are just spoiled brats with overly rich parents", Tom muttered.

"Sounds exactly like someone I know", David smirked.

"Master, we have reached", the driver's coarse voice rang as David stepped out of the car and looked at the lavish resort where the party was being held.

"WOAHHH, that's big", he exclaimed.

"That's what she said", Tom smirked as he walked ahead of David.

Both of them walked into the resort, and what David saw was one of the biggest parties he had ever been to. "So much food! Chinese, Korean, Japanese and this is just one section!" David was like a kid whose parents had dropped him in a toy house.

He dashed towards the food section, leaving Tom alone to deal with his father's business partners.

David took a couple of plates in his hand and a spoonful of every dish that was available on the menu. "HEHEHEHEHE, we eat well tonight", he grinned and quickly put the plates filled with food on the table in front of him, only to notice that someone else had kept a couple of plates at the same time. He looked up to find a girl his age. The girl looked back at David and his plates before grinning.

"What so funny?"

"How are your noodles dipped in chocolate sauce?" she giggled. David looked down and noticed that the ice cream had melted, causing the savoury food to be turned into a chocolatey mess.

"I like my noodles with chocolate. Look at your plate; be careful that your dress won't rip apart after you eat that much." David grinned. He was not the type to back off from a battle of words. He took a bite of the noodles dipped in chocolate before immediately feeling the urge to throw it out. Glancing at the girl with curious eyes, he thought, "I can't back down," and bravely gulped down the noodles. "It tastes wonderful."

"Really?" the girl asked, sceptical.

"Yeah, you should take a bite," David replied with an honest smile. The girl hesitated but eventually put a spoonful into her mouth. Suddenly, she grabbed a napkin and spat out the noodles, glaring at David. "You trickster!"

"Hehehehe. Never mess with me," he smirked, settling down to enjoy the rest of his meal. "I am Emily. What's your name?" the girl asked, looking at David.

"David", he muttered before focusing on his food again.

"So, who are you here with? Haven't seen you before," Emily spoke up.

"I am with Tom. He is my best friend," David replied. 

"Aah, the son of Mr. Allister. I didn't know he had such shrewd friends," she replied with a tone of sarcasm, which ticked David off.

David was about to reply but suddenly heard a loud noise from somewhere. "Tom?".He sprang to his feet without wasting a moment, hastening toward a gathering crowd at the hall's centre. Emily followed closely behind, her curiosity piqued by the commotion.

David noticed a man lying on the ground while two burly men in black suits held Tom by his collar.