Entering Boneyard Catacombs

Entering Boneyard Catacombs

"I am still salty about that item! This Necromancer class better make me some god or something", David mumbled. He had experienced fighting against players with Mythical Classes in his previous life, and he knew they were all amazing. 

He stood before the second dungeon, available to players, before they ascended to the next stage and went to the kingdom, "Boneyard Catacombs". As the name suggested, it was supposed to be home to various skeleton-type enemies. It was the most complex challenge anyone could face below level 20.

"I need to do this dungeon, Nightmare Difficulty, All by myself, and Rowe wanted me to do it as quickly as possible. Am I still making sense?" he started muttering to himself, not knowing how he would cross this hurdle.

He quickly opened the quest menu to confirm he was not missing anything except the straightforward dungeon.


Quest: Path To Necromancer(Mythical)


1) Complete 'Path To Necromancer I (Incomplete)'

2) Complete 'Path To Necromancer II (Incomplete).'

3) Complete 'Path To Necromancer III (Incomplete)'

Rewards: Necromancer Class (Mythical), Bonus Rewards

Quest: Path To Necromancer I (Legendary)

Details: Clear the Dungeon 'Boneyard Catacombs' alone at Nightmare Difficulty

Quest: Path To Necromancer II (Legendary)

Details: Gather 30 Mana and the Item 'Soul Stone'

Quest: Path To Necromancer III (Legendary)

Details: Learn how to gather Death Energy


"I have the 50 silver coin Soul stone, and I will reach 30 Mana and complete the first quest after doing the dungeon. Then, the only thing left will be gathering Death Energy. How difficult can that be?" David shrugged. He also bought a Fireball spell , knowing he would need some heavy magical attacks inside the dungeon. He had also stocked up potions and food, ready to face challenges.

He looked around and noticed that quite a few parties were there. All the players he could see were holding melee weapons or were from the Rogue class. "I knew mages were less in numbers. But isn't this way too low? Players will have trouble forming parties in later sections of the game."

David glanced around a bit more, pretending not to care. After all, it wasn't his business what class others chose or how they played. But deep down, he knew that Earth would need them sooner or later.

"Damnit!" he grunted as he stomped the ground. "Do I have to do everything.". But then, the image of Seraphiel in a nightsuit appeared in his mind. " I owe her for this life. Maybe I could help her."

David opened his system and scrolled down to the bottom, with an option to record his gameplay.

[ Beginning Recording ]

"Today, I am going to show you guys how awesome a mage can be", he grinned.

"Is he going in alone?" one of the players asked his companions as they noticed a single man standing in front of the dungeon gate. "That to a mage! HAHAHAHA", the party started to laugh, thinking it was a man who had lost his sense of reason.

"Tch! They ruined my heroic entrance!" David grunted as he glared at them. He chose the Nightmare difficulty and pushed open the gate, entering the dungeon himself."

[ You have entered 'Boneyard Catacombs'. Difficulty is set to Nightmare ]

Unlike the previous dungeon, which had a damp environment, David could instantly feel the drop in temperature as he looked around, not even finding a patch of grass growing.

Flanked by towering, weathered gravestones, the entrance casts elongated shadows that dance eerily in the dim light. A thick fog, cold and clammy, clings to the ground, obscuring the path forward.

"I don't remember it being this scary", David thought. "Maybe that's cause the last time I entered with a full damn party". He checked if the recording was still working and then started doing what he did best: riling people against him.

"Imagine if you were a swordsman or a berserker in this dungeon. You would have to walk close to these graves like a buffoon, poking them to see if a skeleton can pop up. But we mages? We do not need to indulge in these shenanigans.", David said, as he held his wand high, "Because we can just do this."

David summoned a barrage of lightning strikes, shooting them on several graves simultaneously.

[ You have defeated a level 5 Abberant Skeleton. You have received 10 exp ]

[ You have defeated a level 6 Abberant Skeleton. You have received 10 exp ]

[ You have defeated a level 5 Abberant Skeleton. You have received 10 exp ]


"See! So easy and efficient", David smiled even though he knew he had used all his mana in the previous attack.



a bunch of loud groaning sounds erupted in the dungeon as skeletons alerted by David's previous attacks started to break through the graves, coming out of the ground.

David's face lit up with nostalgia as he reminisced, "Do you guys remember those carefree days of our childhood, the joyous Carnivals we used to attend?" A warm grin played on his lips, starkly contrasting the ominous setting around him. He tightened his grip on the staff. 

"If you do, my friends, welcome to a twisted game of Whack-a-Mole – dungeon edition!" His voice took on a devilish tone, a mischievous glint in his eye, as he swung his staff with fervour. The skeleton heads emerged from their graves, their bony forms attempting to fully materialize, but David was quicker.

"HEHEHEHEHE!" David's laughter echoed through the cavernous dungeon as he played the role of a sinister carnival barker. With each swing of his staff, the skeletal heads crumbled under the force, thwarted in their attempts to menace him. His laughter rang out, a bizarre symphony amidst the eerie silence of the dungeon.

The dungeon floor became his makeshift carnival booth, and the emerging skeleton heads served as the unfortunate moles. Lost in the absurdity of the moment, David continued his relentless assault. The repetitive "thud" of the staff meeting bone accompanied his manic laughter, creating an odd rhythm in this morbid carnival of the arcane.

As David pressed on, the once-menacing skeletons were reduced to a comical display of shattered skulls. The echo of his laughter persisted, not knowing that these waves of laughter would be imprinted in the minds of those who would watch the recording. For a brief moment, the dungeon transformed into a surreal carnival ground, where the players would feel bad for the skeletons who were toyed with.

[ You have levelled up]

"About Time." David smiled and then looked in front of the recording screen. "I hope you guys are seeing how awesome being a mage is."