
David's disbelief reverberated through the chamber. "The entire prison is a living being? That's... ludicrous," he exclaimed, casting a skeptical gaze around the confined space. Walls, ceiling, floor—all appeared ordinary, betraying no hint of their extraordinary nature.

"So... where are we? Inside its belly?" David turned to Kristen and Gorr, seeking clarification.

"Technically," Kristen responded, her tone matter-of-fact. "But don't worry. What you're thinking won't happen. We're not getting digested by him. His species doesn't need food for survival." Her reassurance did little to quell David's unease in the belly of this unique beast.

"What species is it?" He asked. After the calamity he had experienced fighting with and against multiple species that existed throughout the universe, yet he had not come across one as unique as this one.