Baku - IX

'This can't go on...' Haru thought as his chains kept burning his enemies.

He tried his best to find Baku within the countless enemies, yet, his efforts didn't yield any result.

Baku was hidden somewhere, waiting for them to be overwhelmed by the Walkers.

'No doubt... it is terrifying...'

Haru thought as his chains kept on cutting through the endless copies.

'I have searched everywhere... yet I can't find or sense him anywhere... it's like his presence just disappeared...'

'If things keep on like this then I would have no choice but to use that way too early...' Haru thought about his most powerful Skill related to his EX-Class. He was waiting to use it against Baku, to have an advantage against that monster but in the face of the endless crowd of enemies, he might have to use it early.

As he was getting frustrated, his eyes quickly swept over Kuga and Orimura.