Gao’s Training

Gao's gaze never once fell upon the women in the group, as if they were invisible to him. It was a puzzling disregard that stirred questions among the female disciples. CiXin, who had been a diligent student under Fengwen, radiated palpable displeasure. Beside Wuyi, one of the young men shifted his weight. In an instant, Gao was before him.

"Restless, are we? Impatient with the wisdom of an elder?"

"Just a cramp in my leg, Master," the young man replied, unwisely.

With a swift backhand, Gao struck him, jolting his head to the side. "Silence. Stand still or leave. Your lack of stamina already reveals your unsuitability for the path of cultivation. Yet, our lord deems you worthy to be here, so I shall endeavor to instruct you."