Cultivation Growth

The result of the improved cultivation path of Qi was obvious. The Qi passed through his channels safely, and it reached the first vital point in his body, a point known as the "Baihui," located at the top of the head. The sensation was akin to a droplet of water falling into a still pond, creating ripples that spread outward. The Qi swirled around this point, cleansing it of impurities and then nurturing it, as if coaxing a bud to bloom. With a shudder that shook him to his core, Wuyi felt the point open.

When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by an unpleasant sight. He was covered in a black, grimy substance—a physical manifestation of the impurities that had been expelled.

Despite the chill of the desert winter, Wuyi had to go out to cleanse himself. He snuck out into the cold night, bathing in the icy water before returning to his chamber. What surprised him was that the extreme cold, which should have made him shiver, did not feel that extreme anymore.