Yuzhao City

Wuyi also made Yun Ming teach him the ways and etiquettes of high nobles of the north.

Yun Ming, in general, kept quiet and served Wuyi as a protector, but recently, this young master had been surprising him.

Even though the statue of Harmony had made Yun Ming loyal to Wuyi, there were no restrictions on his thoughts, doubts, or beliefs. It was just that deeply rooted in his being that he had to protect and serve Wuyi at any cost.

He had been with Wuyi the longest ever since they left Lujingbao, and Wuyi had acquired so many followers. The question that he would ask himself daily was what kind of master trainer Wuyi's guardians were to train a child in such a way to make him so wise and cunning beyond his age.

So far, Yun Ming had noticed that every action Wuyi took there was always some reasoning behind it, and the reasonings were something beyond his imagination.